Sermons on Adversity (Page 2)

What to Expect When You Give Your Life to Christ — Part 1

Unmet expectations lead to disappointment, and then to conflict. This is true for your relationships with people, and it is true for your relationship with God. If you expect what God has not promised, then you will be disappointed and rebel against God when He lets you down. Over the next two weeks we’re going to look at 5 things you can expect when you give your life to Christ. Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

The Truth About Trials

When you understand what the Bible says about trials, then you will look at problems in an entirely different way. Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript Discussion Guide

Helping the Persecuted

It’s hard to believe, but we are living in a time when helping the persecuted isn’t merely about sending our money overseas.  Christians are now facing persecution in our own country.  What should we do when someone in our church faces persecution?  How should we react?  This sermon will provide the insight and inspiration we need to prepare ourselves for what seems like the inevitable.

Put Your Neck on the Line For the Gospel

Discover why most Christians never experience what it’s like to be used by God in a powerful way… The three hazards of serving God… What you must do if you want to be used by God… Three ways to dedicate yourself to the propagation of the Gospel… and much more.

Avoiding Evangelistic Discouragement

Every Christian is called to be a witness for Christ.  But evangelism can be discouraging, especially when so many of our attempts fall short.  But we must not give up! Listen to discover the root cause of evangelism discouragement, and the solution.  If you need a shot in the arm to revive your passion for evangelism, don’t miss this message.

Facing the Impossible

One thing that Christians and non-Christians have in common is adversity.  We all face impossible situations, tasks, challenges, and responsibilities at times.  But the way we respond is different — much different. Listen to discover why God allows Christians to go through impossible situations, and six ways we need to respond so that God can get the most good out of our struggles.