Sermons on Faith

The Nature of Saving Faith

Saving faith is the key that unlocks the door to eternal life. What is saving faith?… Six things saving faith is not… Five things saving faith is… The Gospel in four words… And much more!

Growing in Faith

Growing in Faith:  Discover why you need faith… 5 things faith is not… The definition of faith… 3 applications of faith… 5 things that grow your faith. Resources: Sermon Manuscript Discussion Guide

A Warning From Jesus

A warning is something that we give to the people we love to protect them from danger.  This sermon looks at a verse in which Jesus gives us two warnings.  He said, “Watch out!  Beware!” When the all-knowing, all-loving Savior warns us twice in one sentence, we better listen.

Absolutely Sure

Discover whether or not you can know for sure… Why people doubt their salvation… 3 false beliefs that prevent assurance… How to know for sure that you are saved… How to test the authenticity of your salvation… And much more!

Loving God

Discover what it truly means to love God, and how to do it in your daily life.

Facing the Impossible

One thing that Christians and non-Christians have in common is adversity.  We all face impossible situations, tasks, challenges, and responsibilities at times.  But the way we respond is different — much different. Listen to discover why God allows Christians to go through impossible situations, and six ways we need to respond so that God can get the most good out of our struggles.

Beware of Money

Five signs to help you tell if money is blocking you from God’s plan, and some steps to overcome the obstacle of money.  Remember.  God owns it all.  We just have to learn how to be faithful stewards of His resources.
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