Sermons from September 2013

Understanding The Lord’s Prayer

Have you ever recited The Lord’s Prayer?  I’m sure you have; it’s one of the most well-known passages of Scripture in the Bible.  It’s also widely misunderstood.  But Jesus gave it to us for a reason.  Discover how often you should recite The Lord’s Prayer… The six requests in The Lord’s Prayer… And the meaning of each one… How you should address God when you speak to Him… What it means to hallow God’s name… What it means for God’s…

Prayer University

6 ways to excel in prayer… 4 Keys to an effective prayer life… How to make sure you pray as much as you should… A secret about your pastor that might cause you to lose respect for him… The true meaning of prayer… The four primary elements of prayer… The purpose of prayer… The secret to focused prayer… And much more!

How To Respond To Your Enemies

Somewhere along the way you have been mistreated by somebody.  You have experienced evil at the hands of others.  This Sunday we’re going to learn from Jesus how to to respond to the enemies in our life.  Discover what it means to turn the other cheek and go the extra mile… How to handle it when somebody insults you… What to do when you are a victim of prejudice… How to live in a sue-happy nation… 3 incentives to love…