Sermons from June 2014

6 Money Myths

Many Christians are acting dumb with their money when in fact we should be the wisest people in the world.  After all, we have the finest financial handbook in the history of the world — the Bible.  Why so much foolishness?  Money myths.  Many Christians have been duped into believing lies about money, and these lies are leading to poor stewardship.  Discover the Bible’s 3-fold plan for financial freedom… 6 money myths… Why the church MUST talk about money… And…

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Discover 4 reasons the church MUST talk about it… Where to find several of the major verses in the Bible on homosexuality… What God thinks about it… How to answer the 3 most common objections to the traditional viewpoint on marriage and sexuality… And much more!

Help Your Kids Get The Gospel

Discover Church Acadiana’s unique and powerful strategy to reach the next generation… The aprent’s role in that strategy… Why parents are more valuable than our culture believes… 4 words you can use to teach your kids the gospel… The difference between grace and mercy… How to teach your kids what it means to “believe” in Jesus… How to tell if your kids have “caught” the gospel… And much more!

Your Next Step To Full Devotion

The four marks of a mature Christ-follower are love, a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.  But how do you get there?  How do you grow to maturity?  Some people grow to maturity and some don’t.  The difference?  People who grow take the right steps.  In this sermon discover the 10 proven and essential steps to full devotion… The step You need to take next… And much more!

4 Marks Of Maturity

When you get saved you are just a tiny spiritual baby, but God wants you to grow up to maturity, developing strong muscles of faith.  But it is impossible to grow to maturity if you don’t know what it looks like.  Discover our agenda at Church Acadiana… Why you need a clear vision of spiritual maturity… The 4 marks of spiritual maturity… The path to maturity… And much more!