Sermons from August 2014

Christian Citizenship

Christians have a dual citizenship.  We are both citizens of heaven and earth.  What does it look like to love Jesus, and at the same time be a patriot — to love your country?….  What role should Christians play in government?….  4 wrong views of Christian involvement in government… The right view (or the best view)… How to pray for government leaders… Why the government exists… The government’s responsibility in creating a prosperous society… The citizen’s responsibility… God’s goal for…

Must Christians Keep the Sabbath?

Are Christians obligated to keep the Sabbath today?….  How do we know which Old Testament laws are binding, and which are not?….  The purpose of the Sabbath… Two things the Sabbath teaches us about God… And two things it teaches us about ourselves… How to make the Sabbath a blessing rather than a burden… And much more!

The Power of Fasting

The Bible is clear that prayer is important — it is to play a central role in our lives.  But what do you do when your prayers go unanswered?  Give up?  Get angry with God?  Get depressed?  No!  That’s what fasting is for.  In this sermon discover the power of fasting… Why God doesn’t answer prayer… Why Jesus’ disciples didn’t fast when He was with Him… And why they they started to fast after His ascension… The purpose of fasting……

Honest to God

This sermon is about the important of admitting your sins to God rather than living in denial.  Discover why it is important to come clean… Why it is absolutely necessary… Why sin might not be your biggest problem… And what is… Why Jesus hung out with sinners rather than the self-righteous… 3 reasons to fess up and get honest with God… And much more!

Did Jesus Claim to be God?

For thousands of years Christians have believed in the deity of Jesus Christ.  However some unbelievers argue that Jesus Himself never claimed to be God.  Discover what Jesus’ first followers believed about Him… Two things Jesus did that only God has the authority to do… 4 ways that Jesus claimed to be God… Why this matters… And much more!