Sermons from January 2015

The Truth About Jesus

The most important thing about you is what you believe.  The most important thing you believe is what you believe about God.  And your most important beliefs about God are what you believe about Jesus.  In this sermon discover 5 important truths to believe about Jesus.

What Should Christians do About Abortion?

Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, 56 million preborn children have been killed by abortion.  Christians can no longer be silent and inactive.  We must act now.  Discover why you need to fight for the preborn and what you can do do help.

The High Priority of the Church

Let’s be honest.  We live in an uncommitted culture.  Most people aren’t committed to their own health, much less the health of the church.  Most people only have one priority — themselves.  But followers of Jesus have been called to a different set of values.  And one of those values is the church.  Discover 5 reasons the church should be a high priority in your life— 4 commands that can only be obeyed if you are involved in church… The…

How to Have a Great Financial Year

The key is Proverbs 3:9-10.  Discover what it means to honor God with your finances… 3 questions to help you determine if you worship God or money… 3 kinds of people that God does NOT bless… The difference between generosity and greed… 4 ways to be wise with your money… And much more!  Money is not God, but it sure does matter.  This sermon will help you grow as a fully developed steward of your resources.