Sermons from April 2015

How to Have Peace in the Storms

Jesus wants you to have peace — the feeling of inner-comfort, even when life is hard and the future is uncertain. But that is easier said than done. Most of us have experienced intense fear, worry, and anxiety when facing storms. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This sermon takes an in-depth look at the story of Jesus calming the storm, and we will discover how to have peace in the storms of life.

3 Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Spiritual Life

The quality of your life is entirely dependent upon the quality of your relationship with God.  There’s no doubt about it.  But there are 3 common mistakes that Christians make that hurt their walk with Christ, and therefore decrease their quality of life. Discover those three mistakes… Why Jesus isn’t in the insurance business… Why God wants you to grow… Why Jesus doesn’t want to “just be friends”… 6 Ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 prayers you…

The Whole Bible in One Verse

Most people own a Bible, and many people even believe it is inspired by God, yet very few have actually read it.  And if you haven’t read it, then there’s no way you can truly understand who God is and how to worship Him. Discover one verse that sums up the entire Bible… 4 reasons to believe God exists… The meaning of God’s love… 4 facts to help you understand Jesus… What it means to “believe in Jesus”… And much…