Got kids? No worries, we’ll take great care of your precious little ones in CA Kids. Our goal is to make sure you can enjoy a great worship service knowing your child is being lovingly cared for.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I bring my kids?
CA Kids is located in the theater directly to the right of the worship theater. Signs are posted to help guide you to the correct room. Once inside CA Kids, you will find volunteers ready to help get your children checked in and tagged with a security bracelet.
How old does my child have to be to start attending the nursery?
Our recommendation is that your child is at least six weeks old prior to bringing him or her to CA Kids. Until that time, feel free to bring your little bundle with you into the worship service.
What ages are cared for in CA Kids?
We’re thrilled to offer a safe, loving nursery for infants as well as a fun, play area for toddlers and preschoolers. Children (K and older) participate in the worship service with their parents.
How will you contact me if my child needs me?
If your child becomes inconsolable or unwell, we will contact you via text. We ask you to please keep your cell phone on vibrate, in case we need to get in touch with you.
How can I volunteer in CA Kids?
We love our CA Kids volunteers! We ask our volunteers to serve once a month. The entry position is a teacher’s helper, but there are endless possibilities for use of your talents and abilities. For more information on how you can be involved, send us an email, or state your interest on your Connection Card during the Sunday worship service.