Kick-Off — November 22, 2020
The purpose of the Christmas Offering is to give us an opportunity to give over and above our normal tithes and offerings to a very special cause.
The theme this year is “Be Blessed,” based on Proverbs 22:9: “A generous person will be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” Why does God give us more than we need? To give to those in need. And there are some big needs in our world today. Billions of people around the world have still never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many do not have clean drinking water. And the unborn in America are still in grave danger. This year’s Christmas Offering will give you the opportunity to share your resources to help meet these 3 big needs:
- World Missions ($1,000) – Support missionaries around the world through the International Mission Board of the SBC (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering).
- Water Well ($1,000) – With a gift of $1000 we can build a clean water well for an entire village.
- Saving the Preborn ($1,000) – Support the ministry of the Pregnancy Center and Clinic in Lafayette, which ministers to women facing unexpected pregnancies in the hope of leading them to Christ and preventing abortion.