Join us every Sunday at 10 AM @ the BCM near ULL’s campus. Come at 9:30 for coffee and refreshments!
This Sunday: “Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?” (Apologetics — Week 4)
Philosopher David Hume articulated the problem of evil this way: “Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? From whence then is evil?” In other words, if God is both all-powerful and perfectly good, then why do evil and suffering exist? One prominent theologian calls this the single greatest challenge to the Christian faith. This Sunday we will learn how to answer this question. Invite a friend and join us!
What to Expect on Sunday
No matter who you are, what you have done, or where you are on your spiritual journey, at Church Acadiana you will be accepted, encouraged, and equipped to be all that God created you to be. Each Sunday you can expect …
- Hot coffee and refreshments! Free!
- Transformational Bible teaching that applies to your everyday life.
- Modern music that is upbeat and inspirational.
- Casual dress (just wear what’s comfortable).
- A welcoming, laid back atmosphere.
- The worship experience begins at 10 A.M. and lasts one hour.
And we’d love for you to join us. Come as you are. You don’t have to dress up. You don’t have to be any particular age. And please don’t feel the need to pretend about anything. Church Acadiana is a place where God meets people who are far from perfect. That means anyone is welcome no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.
Join us every Sunday at 10 AM @ the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, 1226 Johnston St., Lafayette, 70503. Come early at 9:30 for coffee and refreshments!