The Truth About Heaven
John 14:1-11 | The Gospel of John — Week 51
Love One Another
John 13:21-38 | The Gospel of John — Week 50
Lessons on Servanthood
John 13:1-20 | The Gospel of John — Week 49
Understanding Jesus
John 12:44-50 | The Gospel of John — Week 48
The Danger of People-Pleasing
John 12:37-43 | The Gospel of John — Week 47
The Victories of the Cross
The Gospel of John — Week 46 | John 12:12-36
Learning to Love Jesus
The Gospel of John — Week 45 | John 12:1-11
Losses and Gains
John 11:45-57 | The Gospel of John — Week 44
Why You Don’t Need to Fear Death
The Gospel of John — Week 43 | John 11:17-27
The Nature of Saving Faith
Stand-Alone Sermon
Waiting on God
The Gospel of John — Week 42 | John 11:1-44
The Good Shepherd
The Gospel of John — Week 41 | John 10