Sermon Archive (Page 24)

Stand Firm Against Mormonism

Learn the history of Mormonism… The danger of Mormonism… The Mormon concept of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and Authority, Mankind, and Salvation, and how it differs from orthodox Christianity… Why Mormons are not true Christians… And much more!

Winning the Battle of Parenthood

Join us as we study one of the most special passages in the Bible — the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18. Discover how the armor of God can help Christian parents win the battle of parenthood.

How to Grow in Grace

Learn how to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ… The Catholic view of spiritual growth… The Protestant view of spiritual growth… The positive and negative conditions for growth… The public and private means of grace… The signs of spiritual growth… And much more! HOW TO GROW IN GRACE 2 Peter 3:18 By Andy Manning INTRODUCTION Have you ever been stuck? When I was in seminary, I was a manager for the seminary’s landscaping…

Grow in Grace

God created you to glorify Him in all you say and do. But when we begin the Christian life, we are not very good at glorifying God. So God commands us to grow in grace (2 Pt 3:18). This week discover eight insights about spiritual growth… Two ways to grow… Six reasons to grow… And much more! I hope to see you then. GROW IN GRACE 2 Peter 3:18 By Andy Manning I. INTRO a. God has a plan for…

Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord?

Make Every Effort — Week 21 (2 Peter 3) Most Christians are clueless about the topic of eschatology (Bible prophecy). But eschatology is not a difficult subject to comprehend. Sure, there are some passages of Bible prophecy that are confusing, but for the most part the Bible is very clear and straightforward. This Sunday we are going to study an aspect of Bible prophecy called “the day of the Lord.” Learn 12 facts about the day of the Lord, and…

How to Guard Against False Teachers

I have several friends who have been lured away from the truth by false teachers, so I know how dangerous they are. I have first-hand experience. The Bible spends a lot of time warning believers about false teachers. It’s the subject of the entire chapter of 2 Peter 2. In this sermon we are going to continue our study of false teachers in 2 Peter 2. Discover 7 dangers of a false teacher… 7 facts about the punishment of false…

How to Spot a False Teacher

Make Every Effort (2 Peter) — Week 19. I have several friends who have been lured away from the truth by false teachers, so I know how dangerous they are. I have first-hand experience. The Bible spends a lot of time warning believers about false teachers. It’s the subject of the entire chapter of 2 Peter 3. For the next two Sundays we are going to learn how to spot a false teacher, and how to guard against false teachers.…

Becoming a Great Servant

Discover how to be great in God’s eyes… An easy-to-understand definition of servanthood… 3 statements to help you become a great servant… The essence of Christlike character… And an simple exercise to help you better serve the people in your life. BECOMING A GREAT SERVANT Mark 9:30-37 By Andy Manning The title of this sermon is “Becoming a Great Servant.” If you are a Christian, then I know something about you. You want to be a great Christian. You want…