Sermon Archive (Page 33)

The 4 Responsibilities of Fatherhood

Discover how important fatherhood is… The 4 things every father must do… How a man can love his wife… 3 ways to lead your children spiritually… The 4 types of parental discipline… And the five different ways to show love to your children. Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

What Does it Mean to be God’s Elect?

Discover the two views of election… The five points of Reformed theology…  The difference between conditional and unconditional election… The difference between Calvinism and Arminianism… And 5 reasons to believe in conditional election.   Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

Why You Need a Pastor

Discover the duties and responsibilities of a pastor so you can know how to encourage, pray, and hold your pastor accountable.   Sermon Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide

How to Share Jesus Without Fear

Learn how to move the conversation from non-spiritual to spiritual matters, an easy to remember gospel presentation, as well as a three-step process for leading someone to Christ.   Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide

Time Management for Busy Parents

Discover three steps to make the most of your time — 3 steps to glorify God with your time… Learn the four time priorities for every Christian… And discover 3 ways to simplify your schedule.  And by the way, these principles don’t just apply to parents — they apply to everyone.   Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide

3 Ways to Love Jesus

Learn how to develop your love for God by studying the example of a man named Joseph.  His love for God is both inspiring and instructive.   Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide

How Much God Loves You

Discover why it is essential to have faith in God’s love.  Find overwhelming proof of God’s love by examining the crucifixion and all that Christ chose to endure for our sake. Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide  

Jesus Finally Reveals His True Identity

Throughout the Gospel of Mark it is clear to the reader that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.  But Jesus never openly declares His identity.  It is more or less implied by Jesus, and then acknowledged by others.  Finally Jesus lets the cat out of the bag.  The question is, “Should we believe Him?”   Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide