Sermon Archive (Page 41)

Defending Creation

Discover the difference between creation and evolution… Two reasons why we must defend creation… Six reasons why evolution is not true… And much more!

Defending the Resurrection

Discover three reasons to believe in the resurrection… Why defending the resurrection is such a powerful witnessing tool… And much more!

The Marks of a Real Christian

Discover the marks of a real Christian… Why your beliefs and behaviors matter to God… How to determine if you are a “real” Christian… Why that matters more than anything else in life… and much more!

A Warning From Jesus

A warning is something that we give to the people we love to protect them from danger.  This sermon looks at a verse in which Jesus gives us two warnings.  He said, “Watch out!  Beware!” When the all-knowing, all-loving Savior warns us twice in one sentence, we better listen.

How to Meet Our Needs

Discover two bad solutions to meet your needs… The right solution… How to rely on Jesus to meet your needs… and much more!

Helping the Persecuted

It’s hard to believe, but we are living in a time when helping the persecuted isn’t merely about sending our money overseas.  Christians are now facing persecution in our own country.  What should we do when someone in our church faces persecution?  How should we react?  This sermon will provide the insight and inspiration we need to prepare ourselves for what seems like the inevitable.