Sermon Archive (Page 42)

Body for God

This is not about looking good.  It’s not about feeling good.  It’s not about achieving that “beach body” you’ve always wanted.  This is about loving God with your entire being — including your physical body. There’s no question about it:  Fully-devoted Christ-followers are serious about staying in tip-top physical shape for the glory of God. Discover 3 reasons to maintain a healthy body…  3 ways a healthy body will make you more useful to God… And 4 essentials to get…

Hold On To Truth

God has a purpose for each of us individually, and for us as a church, and the only way that we can fulfill that purpose is if we hold on to the truth.  But the truth is not easy to hold on to, especially when the culture around us is trying its hardest to rip it from our hands. Listen to take a look at seven truths to hold on to… Seven truths that our culture refuses to tolerate.

How To Serve God in a Hostile Culture

Our culture is becoming increasingly hostile toward committed Christians, which means it is becoming more and more costly to follow Christ.  We no longer have home-field advantage.  How do we serve God in this environment?  Do we retreat?  Do we go into hiding?  Listen to discover how to respond when the hostility of culture bangs on your door.

Absolutely Sure

Discover whether or not you can know for sure… Why people doubt their salvation… 3 false beliefs that prevent assurance… How to know for sure that you are saved… How to test the authenticity of your salvation… And much more!

Loving God

Discover what it truly means to love God, and how to do it in your daily life.

Why Do People Sin?

Discover a new definition of sin… 3 kinds of laws in the Old Testament… The source of sin… The solution to sin… Why unbelievers sin… And much more!

The Key to Pleasing God

Discover the key to pleasing God… What doesn’t please God… How to know if your rituals and traditions are effective… What God doesn’t care about… The only thing that really matters to God… And much more.

How to be Good at Being Rich

Discover how God wants you to live as a rich person… How to tell if you are rich… 3 commands for rich people… How to avoid financial arrogance… Why you shouldn’t depend on money for happiness… 2 ways to do good… And much more!

Why Christians Should Vote

Discover 3 reasons Christians should vote… The purpose of government… Why religious liberty is in danger… The 3 types of governments… The connection between The Great Commandment and civics… The differences between the two major political parties… How you should vote as a Christian… 3 ways to become civically engaged… And much more!