Sermon Archive (Page 44)

The Authority of the Bible

Our mission as a church is to help people become fully devoted to Jesus Christ.  That means helping people live under the authority of God — to do what God says to do, and to believe what God says is true. But how do we know what God has said?  From the Bible.  Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, and therefore the Bible is our authority.  When the Bible speaks, God speaks. But why should we believe…

Striving for Religious Freedom

In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”  Many Christians are not aware that religious freedom is under attack in America.   Listen and learn what every Christian must do to protect and preserve religious freedom for future generations of Christ-followers in America.

Beware of Money

Five signs to help you tell if money is blocking you from God’s plan, and some steps to overcome the obstacle of money.  Remember.  God owns it all.  We just have to learn how to be faithful stewards of His resources.

4 Things the Church Needs

This month is the 10-year anniversary of Church Acadiana.  We had our first meeting in a living room in Youngsville in June 2005.  So it is only fitting this month that we think about what we need to do to keep growing healthier and more fruitful as a church.

Serving God in Your Youth

Our society is confused about youth.  It places a high value on children, but it doesn’t respect children.  It values children for the contribution they will make in the future, but it doesn’t respect young people for the contribution they can make today.  Sadly that mindset has crept into the church. But God has a different perspective on youth.  He wants young people to serve Him right now, not some time in the future.  Discover several young heroes of the…

A Case Against Unconditional Election

Ideas have consequences, and if you believe the wrong thing about God, it will lead to wrong behavior.  Many Christians hold a belief about salvation that is harmful to their relationship with God and with other people.  This belief is called Unconditional Election, and it is part of a larger system of theology called Calvinism. This Sunday discover the meaning of Unconditional Election… The Five Points of Calvinism… The difference between Calvinism and Arminianism… The danger of Unconditional Election… Does…

Train Yourself to be Godly

Sadly, Christians are becoming more and more like the world.  This is causing two big problems.  We are failing to be the salt of the earth, preventing moral decay.  And we are failing to be the light of the world, helping people to see the truth about Christ. Discover the solution… 3 details about godliness… How to train for godliness… The benefits of godliness… And much more.

Lies That Our Culture Tells Women

God created women for a very special purpose, and through that purpose they find great joy and fulfillment.  But there are 3 lies circulating in our culture that threaten to interfere with God’s plan.  Just think about it.  Women are integral to God’s plan for the world.  If Satan could start a few rumors that would confuse the masses about what it means to be a woman, then he could do immeasurable damage. Discover the 3 lies our culture tells…

The Right Use of Creation

The question before us is how do we glorify God through the physical pleasures of His creation?  Historically, Christians have made two mistakes:  Creation worship, and creation rejection.  Some seek happiness and fulfillment through creation, and some believe that the only way to please God is to reject any form of physical pleasure.  This sermon studies a Biblical response to both of these errors and discovers a third option that will lead to our joy and God’s glory.

How to Have Peace in the Storms

Jesus wants you to have peace — the feeling of inner-comfort, even when life is hard and the future is uncertain. But that is easier said than done. Most of us have experienced intense fear, worry, and anxiety when facing storms. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This sermon takes an in-depth look at the story of Jesus calming the storm, and we will discover how to have peace in the storms of life.

3 Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Spiritual Life

The quality of your life is entirely dependent upon the quality of your relationship with God.  There’s no doubt about it.  But there are 3 common mistakes that Christians make that hurt their walk with Christ, and therefore decrease their quality of life. Discover those three mistakes… Why Jesus isn’t in the insurance business… Why God wants you to grow… Why Jesus doesn’t want to “just be friends”… 6 Ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 prayers you…