Sermon Archive (Page 46)

Disobey And Pay

Discover why it is essential to obey God in every arena of your life… The surprising power God has put in your hands… Why obedience is so costly… And much more!  If you are living in blatant disobedience to God, go ahead and repent now, or else this sermon is going to be extremely uncomfortable for you.

Question Everything

Every day brings new questions.  Should I stay?  Should I go?  Buy it?  Sell it?  Start it?  Stop it?  Did you know there’s a question that makes it easy to determine the answer to all the other questions?  This is the question that answers just about everything.  It’s true.  All you have to do is ask it. Listen to this sermon by one of Pastor Andy’s favorite preachers, Andy Stanley, from North Point Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia.

How To Make The Most Of Your Time

Think about Jesus.  He only lived 33 years, yet He accomplished more than any other person in history.  Discover the reason Jesus got so much done in such a limited amount of time… The two letter word that is essential to effective time-management… Why so many people feel stressed out and overwhelmed… One thing you can do daily to radically improve your time-management… 2 reasons people waste their time… Why most people have more to do than time to do…

How To Know God’s Will

This is a very important topic because life is filled with decisions, and many of those decisions have BIG consequences.  Whom should you marry?  When should you and your spouse start a family?  Which church should you join?  Just kidding on that last one; Church Acadiana, of course!  How do you know which option God wants you to choose?  In this sermon you will discover one principle that will help you learn to know God’s will in each and every…

Healed To Help

In a typical church, 20% of the church does 80% of the ministry.  Fortunately, Church Acadiana is not normal when it comes to this area.  Most of our people are volunteering in the church in come capacity.  Discover 3 reasons so many people are not serving in church… What you need to know about serving God… The real reason many Christians don’t even go to church… The natural response to Jesus’ healing power in your life… 2 ways you can…

How Much God Loves You

This is not just a feel-good sermon about God’s love.  The fact is that you need a  deep understanding and trust in God’s love or you won’t survive as a Christian.  Your level of trust in God’s love impacts everything about you.  And there’s only one way to develop this conviction — by looking to the cross of Christ.  Discover 4 reasons you MUST believe God loves you… God’s greatest expression of love for you… What Christ REALLY went through…


Demonology is the study of demons and how to defeat them.  There’s a lot of confusion about demons and the devil.  What are they?  Should we be scared?  Are we in danger?  How can we protect ourselves?  Discover 6 important facts about demons… What they are… What demons do to people… What they are trying to do to you… Why demons are terrified of Jesus… Why you don’t have to fear the devil or his demons… The difference between demon…

Follow Jesus, Fish For People

There’s a lot of confusion about what it means to be a Christian.  In this sermon find out from Jesus Himself.  Discover 3 actions that true Christians take… What it means to be a disciple… 4 things you need to effectively fish for people… The Gospel in 4 words… 3 ways to get the Gospel to your friends… 3 ways to contribute to the church’s task of evangelism… and much more!

Why People Don’t Tithe

Most Christians don’t tithe.  Why is that?  Discover the top 5 reasons people don’t tithe… The basic facts about tithing… What to do if you forget to tithe… Why tithing isn’t just an Old Testament principle… How the church uses your tithes and offerings… What makes a healthy church?… How to increase your faith so that you can begin tithing right away… And much more!

How To Teach Your Child Social Skills

Most parents haven’t taken the time to think through the meaning and definition of social skills, and even worse, they are clueless about how to teach them to their kids.  Our primary passions at Church Acadiana are reaching the lost and equipping parents to reach the next generation.  Don’t miss this important message that will give you some essential tools for the task of parenting.

The Mission Of Jesus

When you read the story of Jesus, it can be hard to understand why He did and did not do certain things.  That’s because Jesus came to earth for a specific mission, and everything He did was tied to that mission.  When you understand the mission of Jesus, all of His actions begin to make sense.  In this sermon discover the mission of Jesus… The significance of Jesus’ baptism and temptation… And why they matter today… The meaning of the…

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?  There’s so much baloney going around these days about the Savior that if you’re not careful, you’ll miss Him altogether.  And that’s a big deal, because if you don’t know who Jesus is, how can you love and serve Him and share Him with others.  Discover why Jesus is such good news… What it means that Jesus is the Messiah, and why that is significant… How can Jesus be God and the Son of God at the…