Sermon Archive (Page 46)

The High Priority of the Church

Let’s be honest.  We live in an uncommitted culture.  Most people aren’t committed to their own health, much less the health of the church.  Most people only have one priority — themselves.  But followers of Jesus have been called to a different set of values.  And one of those values is the church.  Discover 5 reasons the church should be a high priority in your life— 4 commands that can only be obeyed if you are involved in church… The…

How to Have a Great Financial Year

The key is Proverbs 3:9-10.  Discover what it means to honor God with your finances… 3 questions to help you determine if you worship God or money… 3 kinds of people that God does NOT bless… The difference between generosity and greed… 4 ways to be wise with your money… And much more!  Money is not God, but it sure does matter.  This sermon will help you grow as a fully developed steward of your resources.

The Leadership Code (Part 2)

In the previous sermon we studied why character is the most important leadership qualification.  In this sermon we look at the leadership code found in 1 Timothy 3 — the 15 character qualities of a good leader.  Everything rises and falls on leadership… in the home, the church, the school, business, and politics.

The Leadership Code — Part 1

It’s no secret that everything rises and falls on leadership.  So how do we identify good leaders, and how do we become good leaders — at home, at church, at work, in the community?  One thing is certain:  It doesn’t take character to achieve big results.  Discover 4 reasons character is so essential to leadership… The most important leadership qualification… 15 qualities every leader needs to develop… The best definition of leadership… The leader’s priority… And much more!

When Faith and Family Collide

God wants to be your priority, but He also wants your family to be a priority.  So what happens when these two priorities collide?  What do you do when your family is making it hard for you to follow Christ?  What do you do when your devotion to Christ is interfering with your devotion to family?  Discover why the worst thing you can do for your family is to put them first.

The Unforgivable Sin

Three reasons to listen to this sermon:  First, all of us have sinned.  Second, without God’s forgiveness the punishment for sin is eternal hell.  And third, there is one sin that is unforgivable.  Discover what it is… How to tell if you’ve committed it… And if so, what to do about it.

Overcome the Fear of Man

We all want to be liked, to be cool, to fit in, to please others.  Nobody desires to be criticized and rejected.  Discover why that’s a big problem if you are a Christ-follower… Why the fear of man is so dangerous… What you need to do to overcome it… Why you need to stop trying to impress people… What you need to be willing to do if you want to stand for Christ… And much!

Selfish or Service: 3 Steps to Start Serving God

The world is facing some pretty big problems today.  With so much pain and suffering it’s natural to ask, “Does God see what’s on on down here?  If so, why doesn’t He do something about it?”  Discover God’s plan for solving the world’s problems, and your part in that plan… 3 myths about serving God… 5 ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 steps to start serving God… And much more!

Do Good Anyway

Doing good is not always easy.  In fact, good deeds often attract bad attention.  Sometimes we will have to face persecution.  In this message we will study a story about Jesus and learn how to stay faithful and do good anyway, even if it means suffering.

The Character of a Healthy Church — Part 1

Christianity is a team sport; we are called to join forces with other disciples and work together for the glory of God.  But what does it take to be a winning team?  Discover the one thing most books and discussions about church growth leave out… The definition of a true church… 4 things we need to be a healthy church… How the men of the church need to behave… How the women need to behave… What is a woman’s role…