Sermon Archive (Page 50)

How To Recognize A False Prophet

This sermon is more important than you might realize.  False prophets are out there, and they can mess you up!  Discover 5 facts about false prophets… Why false prophets are so crafty… What makes them so dangerous?… 2 ways to recognize them… The traits of a man of God… How to recognize good preaching… Why false prophets should be terrified… How to make sure you don’t get deceived… And much more!

Why Follow Jesus?

Discover the dominant religion in our culture… And what it teaches… The highest virtue in our society… And why it isn’t very virtuous… Why you cannot be a follower of Jesus AND be politically correct at the same time… The truth about hell… When does eternal life begin?… Why follow Jesus if the road is difficult and unpopular?… And much more!

Doing Church With Your Kids

At Church Acadiana we exhort and equip parents to disciple their kids in the home, and then enable them to do church with their kids as a shared experience.  Discover why we MUST do something different if we are serious about reaching the next generation… What your kids need more than good Christian friends… Why parents are the key to reaching the next generation… 2 powerful benefits of doing church WITH your kids… And much more!

Your Kids For Christ For Life

Learn how to lead your kids to have a life-long relationship with Christ… Discover 3 essential parenting lessons from Deuteronomy 6… Church Acadiana’s strategy for reaching the next generation… Why our approach is so different… And much more!  Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or will likely have kids in the future, this series will change the way you look at parenting and the church forever.

Adversity And Prosperity

If you are a serious follower of Jesus, then two things are true about you:  First, you want to serve God in a significant way.  Second, you don’t like pain.  The problem is that seeking and serving Christ often leads to a place of pain and hardship.  Discover how to seek and serve the Lord without allowing your desire for pain-avoidance to interfere… Why worldly prosperity is not a good indicator of spiritual growth… Why your definition of success is…

Obedience Before Significance

You don’t want to waste your life.  And the good news is that God wants to use you for a significant purpose; He has a plan of impact and meaning just for you.  But most people never realize this plan; they get to the end of their lives and look back with emptiness and regret.  Learn from the life of Jesus’ mother how to be used by God in a significant way… How to prepare for your special assignment from…

What The Bible Is About

In order to get to know someone, you have to know their story.  The more you know about God’s history, His background, His experiences, His purposes, the deeper you can grow in your relationship with Him.  In this sermon discover the big picture of the Bible… 3 things you need to know to navigate your way through the Bible… The history of the nation of Israel… A powerful tool to help you apply the Bible to your life… And much…

Why Study The Bible?

Discover why some Christians get older but never grow up… 6 reasons to study the Bible… The doctrines of the inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture… And why they matter… Why Christians believe the Old Testament is God’s Word… Why Christians trust in the inspiration of the New Testament… The meaning of the phrase “canon of Scripture”… Why you should be careful about books like “Heaven Is For Real”… 3 helpful tips for Bible reading… And much more!

Scheduling Margin

This is a sermon by Craig Groeschel, one of Pastor Andy’s favorite preachers from in Oklahoma.  Most people would like to have more time… more time with family, more time to rest and relax, more time for God, more time to help others.  The good news is that you can have all the time you need to do what God has called you to do and be the person God has called you to be, but you must learn…

How To Treat People Right

It’s hard to know how to treat people.  The Bible has some clear cut rules, but life is filled with many situations that the Bible doesn’t specifically address.  The Bible offers general principles, but how do you know how to live those principles out in specific, real-life situations — at home, at church, at work, at school?  Jesus answered this question in one simple statement that is known as The Golden Rule.  Discover the origin of The Golden Rule… What…

The Answer To Unanswered Prayer

I’m sure you’ve experienced the challenge of unanswered prayer; you’ve prayed for thing and didn’t get what you wanted.  This is an important issue because if you’re not equipped to view unanswered prayer with the right perspective, your spiritual life will take a hit and you might even run from God.  Discover 4 reasons for unanswered prayer… 2 reasons God wants you to be persistent in your prayers… 2 reasons God’s answer to your request might be to wait… 4…

Should Christians Pass Judgment?

If ever you want to get your unbelieving friends to quote the Bible, just say that you believe a certain behavior is sinful or morally wrong.  There’s one verse everyone seems to know.  Seriously, should Christians pass judgment?…  How do you handle it when you believe a friend is living in sin; do you approach them or remain silent and mind your own business?…  Is it okay to believe that certain behaviors are morally wrong, and is it okay to…