Stand-Alone Sermons (Page 10)

How to Have a Great Financial Year

The key is Proverbs 3:9-10.  Discover what it means to honor God with your finances… 3 questions to help you determine if you worship God or money… 3 kinds of people that God does NOT bless… The difference between generosity and greed… 4 ways to be wise with your money… And much more!  Money is not God, but it sure does matter.  This sermon will help you grow as a fully developed steward of your resources.

Edged Out

When it comes to temptation and decision-making, we all look for loopholes.  When tempted, we look for excuses to tell ourselves yes when we should tell ourselves no.  We ask, “Is there anything wrong with this?  Is it illegal?  Will it hurt anyone?”  But it is a bad idea to assume that if something is not wrong, it is right.  Our decision-making filter shouldn’t be based on what’s permissible, but on what’s wise.  In no area is this more important…

Preparing Your Child For Courtship

Please… if you are a parent, or a parent-to-be, or a grandparent, don’t miss this sermon!  And if you’re single, this message will help you, too!  Bottom line:  The world’s way of dating is foolish.  It robs people of their single years and opens the door to incredible temptation.  There is a better way.  I’ll teach you this Sunday.

Steps to Financial Prosperity

Discover why most people struggle financially… Why God wants you to prosper… And why that’s not the same thing as the “Prosperity Gospel”… 6 actions you can take to win with your money… How to create a monthly budget… How to get out of debt… How to prepare for retirement… How to turn financial crises into mere inconveniences… And much more!

Home Discipleship 101

Learn the basics, the nuts and bolts of how parents can take the lead in the discipleship of their children.  Discover our unique strategy for reaching the next generation… What is a family-integrated church?… 2 popular parenting myths today… 4 steps to disciple your kids at home… What is catechism?…. And how to use it with your kids… How to work with the church’s programming to disciple your kids… And so much more!

More Groups, Less Isolation

It’s been said that no man is an island.  That’s true for the Christian life as well.  God has called us to be a part of the church, and He wants us to be a healthy church.  But what does it take to be a healthy church?  Discover the devil’s strategy to take you down… The key to overcoming his schemes… What the first Christians were devoted to… And why we need to have the same devotion… Why Home Groups…

Time Over Time

Scripture says God has determined the number of your days.  You can make more money and you can make more friends, but you cannot make more time.  You can count your money and your friends, but you can’t count your time.  In light of this truth, knowing what to do with your time matters.  It’s vital that you use your time wisely.  Discover how to do this, and much more! Note:  This sermon is by Andy Stanley, pastor of NorthPoint…

6 Money Myths

Many Christians are acting dumb with their money when in fact we should be the wisest people in the world.  After all, we have the finest financial handbook in the history of the world — the Bible.  Why so much foolishness?  Money myths.  Many Christians have been duped into believing lies about money, and these lies are leading to poor stewardship.  Discover the Bible’s 3-fold plan for financial freedom… 6 money myths… Why the church MUST talk about money… And…

Question Everything

Every day brings new questions.  Should I stay?  Should I go?  Buy it?  Sell it?  Start it?  Stop it?  Did you know there’s a question that makes it easy to determine the answer to all the other questions?  This is the question that answers just about everything.  It’s true.  All you have to do is ask it. Listen to this sermon by one of Pastor Andy’s favorite preachers, Andy Stanley, from North Point Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia.

How To Know God’s Will

This is a very important topic because life is filled with decisions, and many of those decisions have BIG consequences.  Whom should you marry?  When should you and your spouse start a family?  Which church should you join?  Just kidding on that last one; Church Acadiana, of course!  How do you know which option God wants you to choose?  In this sermon you will discover one principle that will help you learn to know God’s will in each and every…