Stand-Alone Sermons (Page 6)

What is our Mission?

Church Acadiana was founded in 2005, and one thing has never changed — our mission.  Discover why we are here, what God wants us to accomplish, and how each of us can do our part.   Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

What to do With Your Problems

Life is a series of problems and challenges.  Some are small, and some are BIG!  What does the Bible say to do with problems?   Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

Psalm 37:4

Psalm 37:4 answers two of life’s biggest questions.  1) What is God’s will for my life?  2) What is the secret to success in life? Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript Discussion Guide

The Bible and Limited Government

Learn why a good government is necessary… 5 boundaries the Founders set up to limit the federal government… Why the Founders believed so strongly in limited government… How the Bible supports limited government… and much more.

Why I Tithe

Discover Pastor Andy’s top ten reasons for tithing. Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

Time Management for Busy Parents

Discover three steps to make the most of your time — 3 steps to glorify God with your time… Learn the four time priorities for every Christian… And discover 3 ways to simplify your schedule.  And by the way, these principles don’t just apply to parents — they apply to everyone.   Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide

How Much God Loves You

Discover why it is essential to have faith in God’s love.  Find overwhelming proof of God’s love by examining the crucifixion and all that Christ chose to endure for our sake. Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide