Stand-Alone Sermons (Page 8)

The Land of the Free

Discover the nature of religious freedom, the enemy’s strategy against us, and what we need to do to protect religious freedom — not just for ourselves, but for our children and future generations of Christians.

The Bible and Transgenderism

Today, whether it is Caitlyn Jenner, Target, or the Obama administration, transgenderism is one of the biggest issues in our society.  As a church, we need to think about how God wants us to respond.  What is transgenderism?  What does the Bible say?  How do we love our transgender neighbors?  I hope you’ll join me this Sunday for this important discussion.

How to Stay Close to God

Learn the key to spiritual growth… 3 ways to stay close to God… The biggest obstacle to spiritual disciplines… 2 unrealistic expectations that people have about spiritual growth… And much more.

Defending Creation

Discover the difference between creation and evolution… Two reasons why we must defend creation… Six reasons why evolution is not true… And much more!

Defending the Resurrection

Discover three reasons to believe in the resurrection… Why defending the resurrection is such a powerful witnessing tool… And much more!

Body for God

This is not about looking good.  It’s not about feeling good.  It’s not about achieving that “beach body” you’ve always wanted.  This is about loving God with your entire being — including your physical body. There’s no question about it:  Fully-devoted Christ-followers are serious about staying in tip-top physical shape for the glory of God. Discover 3 reasons to maintain a healthy body…  3 ways a healthy body will make you more useful to God… And 4 essentials to get…

Absolutely Sure

Discover whether or not you can know for sure… Why people doubt their salvation… 3 false beliefs that prevent assurance… How to know for sure that you are saved… How to test the authenticity of your salvation… And much more!

Why Christians Should Vote

Discover 3 reasons Christians should vote… The purpose of government… Why religious liberty is in danger… The 3 types of governments… The connection between The Great Commandment and civics… The differences between the two major political parties… How you should vote as a Christian… 3 ways to become civically engaged… And much more!