Stand-Alone Sermons (Page 9)

The Four Laws of Unity

Discover the four laws of unity that will empower us to get along and work together to accomplish the mission of the church.

How Do We Know God Exists?

1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” Discover five reasons we believe in God so that you will be equipped to engage your unbelieving friends.

The Doctrine of Eternal Security

Many people struggle with this question.  Is it possible to put your faith in Jesus and be born again, and then at some later point lose your salvation?  This is called the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints, or Eternal Security, or Once-Saved-Always-Saved.  Some churches teach that you can lose your salvation.  What do we believe at Church Acadiana?  And what does the Bible say?

The Authority of the Bible

Our mission as a church is to help people become fully devoted to Jesus Christ.  That means helping people live under the authority of God — to do what God says to do, and to believe what God says is true. But how do we know what God has said?  From the Bible.  Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, and therefore the Bible is our authority.  When the Bible speaks, God speaks. But why should we believe…

Striving for Religious Freedom

In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”  Many Christians are not aware that religious freedom is under attack in America.   Listen and learn what every Christian must do to protect and preserve religious freedom for future generations of Christ-followers in America.

Beware of Money

Five signs to help you tell if money is blocking you from God’s plan, and some steps to overcome the obstacle of money.  Remember.  God owns it all.  We just have to learn how to be faithful stewards of His resources.

Lies That Our Culture Tells Women

God created women for a very special purpose, and through that purpose they find great joy and fulfillment.  But there are 3 lies circulating in our culture that threaten to interfere with God’s plan.  Just think about it.  Women are integral to God’s plan for the world.  If Satan could start a few rumors that would confuse the masses about what it means to be a woman, then he could do immeasurable damage. Discover the 3 lies our culture tells…

The Whole Bible in One Verse

Most people own a Bible, and many people even believe it is inspired by God, yet very few have actually read it.  And if you haven’t read it, then there’s no way you can truly understand who God is and how to worship Him. Discover one verse that sums up the entire Bible… 4 reasons to believe God exists… The meaning of God’s love… 4 facts to help you understand Jesus… What it means to “believe in Jesus”… And much…

Why Can’t I Be Baptized?

That’s a question that was actually asked by someone in the Bible.  And it’s a great question, because baptism is an important step — the first step — of Christian obedience after you decide to follow Jesus.  Discover the Biblical definition of baptism… The proper mode of baptism… The power of baptism… The reason to get baptized… And much more!

Church Health: What is our vision?

God hasn’t called us to do life alone, isolated from others; He has called us to be a part of His church.  That’s why it’s important on occasion to discuss what we need to do to be a healthy church, fully glorifying to God.  To be healthy, we need to be clear on our vision.  But what is our vision as a church?  Discover the problem that God has called our church to solve… And why we absolutely have to…

Generosity Encouragement

God wants us to grow in generosity, but that doesn’t mean it is easy.  Being generous can be challenging for many reasons.  Discover 3 reasons God wants us to be generous… An unlikely example of radical generosity… 5 lessons on generosity… One thing to remember when you don’t have much to give… The kind of offering that God values… And much more!