Sermons by Andy Manning (Page 28)

Stand Firm Against Sexual Liberation

Times have sure changed. What used to be bad is now good, and what used to be good is now bad. Take everything you thought you knew about sex and gender and throw it out the window. There are no more rules, no more standards, and no more morals. Anything goes. The only thing that’s not allowed is the traditional Christian view of sex and gender. How can we stand firm on God’s word in this strange new world of…

Stand Firm Against Annihilationism

Learn the doctrine of hell… The lie of annihilationism… 2 alternatives to eternal punishment… 2 kinds of universalism… 2 kinds of conditional immortality… How to answer the five main arguments against the traditional doctrine of hell… What Jesus taught about hell… What the disciples taught about hell… The difference between Hades and Gehenna… 2 implications of the doctrine of hell… And much more! Resources: Discussion Guide Sermon Manuscript Worship Guide

Stand Firm Against Pluralism

Discover the doctrine of exclusivity… 3 different types of pluralism… 6 big biblical ideas that point to exclusivity… 9 problems with pluralism… And much more! Resources: Discussion Guide Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

Stand Firm Against Evolution

Discover 5 ways to stand firm… The 3 major premises of Darwinian Evolution… 8 ways that the Bible and evolution contradict one another… 7 implications if evolution is true… 5 reasons to believe in creation not evolution. Resources: Discussion Guide Sermon Manuscript

The Tenth Commandment – Part 2

Discover 7 dangers of covetousness… 7 ways to detect covetousness in your life… 4 ways to cure covetousness… The meaning of contentment and how to cultivate it… And much more! Resources: Discussion Guide Sermon Manuscript Worship Guide

The Tenth Commandment – Part 1

Discover 3 ways people commit the sin of covetousness… 4 ways the tenth commandment is unique… 5 lessons the tenth commandment teaches us… The positive aspect of the tenth commandment… And much more! Resources: Discussion Guide Sermon Manuscript Worship Guide

The Ninth Commandment

Discover ten ways people break the ninth commandment… 6 reasons to avoid breaking the ninth commandment… The cure for lying… And much more! Resources: Discussion Guide Sermon Manuscript Worship Guide

The Eighth Commandment

Discover 4 big ideas about money implied by the eighth commandment…  Why stealing is wrong… 16 common forms of theft… The opposite of theft… 7 prescriptions to cure ourselves of theft… And much more! Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript

The Seventh Commandment – Part 2

Last Sunday we began a three-week study on the seventh commandment — “Do not commit adultery.” Why spend so much time on this commandment? Because we live in a sex-crazed, sex-obsessed, and sex-confused culture. And the more that a culture departs from God’s will on sexual morality, the more that culture will self-destruct. We already looked at sixteen ways that people violate the seventh commandment; this week will will look at sixteen reasons to avoid breaking the seventh commandment. Resources:…