Sermons by Andy Manning (Page 39)

The Seriousness of Sin

Discover three reasons why some Christians do not take sin seriously… Three reasons we should get serious about sin… And 3 insights about hell.

Becoming a Great Servant

Discover how to be great in God’s eyes… An easy-to-understand definition of servanthood… 3 statements to help you become a great servant… The essence of Christlike character… And an simple exercise to help you better serve the people in your life.

How to Stay Close to God

Learn the key to spiritual growth… 3 ways to stay close to God… The biggest obstacle to spiritual disciplines… 2 unrealistic expectations that people have about spiritual growth… And much more.

Defending Creation

Discover the difference between creation and evolution… Two reasons why we must defend creation… Six reasons why evolution is not true… And much more!

Defending the Resurrection

Discover three reasons to believe in the resurrection… Why defending the resurrection is such a powerful witnessing tool… And much more!