Sermons on Apologetics (Page 2)

Stand Firm Against Evolution

Discover 5 ways to stand firm… The 3 major premises of Darwinian Evolution… 8 ways that the Bible and evolution contradict one another… 7 implications if evolution is true… 5 reasons to believe in creation not evolution. Resources: Discussion Guide Sermon Manuscript

Jesus Claimed to be God

Study a passage that not only affirms the deity of Christ, but has Christ claiming His own deity.  And then hear the many compelling reasons why we should believe Christ’s claim to be God.

Defending Creation

Discover the difference between creation and evolution… Two reasons why we must defend creation… Six reasons why evolution is not true… And much more!

Defending the Resurrection

Discover three reasons to believe in the resurrection… Why defending the resurrection is such a powerful witnessing tool… And much more!

How Do We Know God Exists?

1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” Discover five reasons we believe in God so that you will be equipped to engage your unbelieving friends.

The Whole Bible in One Verse

Most people own a Bible, and many people even believe it is inspired by God, yet very few have actually read it.  And if you haven’t read it, then there’s no way you can truly understand who God is and how to worship Him. Discover one verse that sums up the entire Bible… 4 reasons to believe God exists… The meaning of God’s love… 4 facts to help you understand Jesus… What it means to “believe in Jesus”… And much…

Evolution vs. God

Millions believe that Darwinian evolution is a scientific fact.  This amazing video shows the opposite — that it is unscientific — and it does so by interviewing leading evolutionary scientists at some of the world’s top universities.  This is a crucial issue because the theory of evolution challenges the Bible’s authority, and it is being taught in government schools all across America.
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