Sermons on Evangelism (Page 2)

How to Share Jesus Without Fear

Learn how to move the conversation from non-spiritual to spiritual matters, an easy to remember gospel presentation, as well as a three-step process for leading someone to Christ.   Resources: Worship Guide Discussion Guide

Why Do People Sin?

Discover a new definition of sin… 3 kinds of laws in the Old Testament… The source of sin… The solution to sin… Why unbelievers sin… And much more!

What the Bible Really Says About the End Times

Discover 4 Bible basics about the end times… 3 details about the second coming… The time of the second coming… The signs of the times… The Antichrist… 5 events that will accompany Christ’s return… and much more!

Put Your Neck on the Line For the Gospel

Discover why most Christians never experience what it’s like to be used by God in a powerful way… The three hazards of serving God… What you must do if you want to be used by God… Three ways to dedicate yourself to the propagation of the Gospel… and much more.

Avoiding Evangelistic Discouragement

Every Christian is called to be a witness for Christ.  But evangelism can be discouraging, especially when so many of our attempts fall short.  But we must not give up! Listen to discover the root cause of evangelism discouragement, and the solution.  If you need a shot in the arm to revive your passion for evangelism, don’t miss this message.

A Case Against Unconditional Election

Ideas have consequences, and if you believe the wrong thing about God, it will lead to wrong behavior.  Many Christians hold a belief about salvation that is harmful to their relationship with God and with other people.  This belief is called Unconditional Election, and it is part of a larger system of theology called Calvinism. This Sunday discover the meaning of Unconditional Election… The Five Points of Calvinism… The difference between Calvinism and Arminianism… The danger of Unconditional Election… Does…

Evangelistic Faith

The call to follow Jesus is the call to fish for people — the call to reach the lost.  But why are some people and churches more passionate about evangelism than others?  Discover the fuel that feeds the fire of evangelism… Why some people are willing to do whatever it takes to reach the lost… And why some are not… What is faith?….  And why you need it to be evangelistic… 3 things that highly evangelistic people believe… The truth…

Whatever It Takes

Jesus has called us to reach the lost in our community and in our world.  But reaching the lost isn’t easy.  It is a road filled with obstacles and landmines.  So what needs to happen for us to be effective at evangelism?  This Sunday discover an essential principle that we must embrace to be used by God in our community… 3 things we must be willing to… The 10-foot rule… The 5-minute rule… And much more!

Help Your Kids Get The Gospel

Discover Church Acadiana’s unique and powerful strategy to reach the next generation… The aprent’s role in that strategy… Why parents are more valuable than our culture believes… 4 words you can use to teach your kids the gospel… The difference between grace and mercy… How to teach your kids what it means to “believe” in Jesus… How to tell if your kids have “caught” the gospel… And much more!