Sermons on Parenting (Page 2)
The 4 Responsibilities of Fatherhood
Discover how important fatherhood is… The 4 things every father must do… How a man can love his wife… 3 ways to lead your children spiritually… The 4 types of parental discipline… And the five different ways to show love to your children. Resources: Worship Guide Sermon Manuscript
What is Our Vision?
Learn about the exciting vision of Church Acadiana, and how you can be a part of it.
What Children Need From Their Parents
Discover 6 timeless principles about parenting that can be trusted.
Helpful Instructions for Discipling Your Children
Discover 4 helpful insights about home discipleship… 3 essential actions to effectively teach the Bible… 3 ways to be winsome in your approach… And much more!
Serving God in Your Youth
Our society is confused about youth. It places a high value on children, but it doesn’t respect children. It values children for the contribution they will make in the future, but it doesn’t respect young people for the contribution they can make today. Sadly that mindset has crept into the church. But God has a different perspective on youth. He wants young people to serve Him right now, not some time in the future. Discover several young heroes of the…
Church Health: What is our vision?
God hasn’t called us to do life alone, isolated from others; He has called us to be a part of His church. That’s why it’s important on occasion to discuss what we need to do to be a healthy church, fully glorifying to God. To be healthy, we need to be clear on our vision. But what is our vision as a church? Discover the problem that God has called our church to solve… And why we absolutely have to…
The Centrality of the Home in the Evangelism and Discipleship of the Next Generation
Discover 3 problems with modern youth and children’s ministry in the church… God’s plan for reaching the next generation… Why this issue is urgent… How the church is losing the culture war one generation at a time… How we can bounce back… And much more. Voddie Baucham is the pastor of Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston, TX.
Preparing Your Child For Courtship
Please… if you are a parent, or a parent-to-be, or a grandparent, don’t miss this sermon! And if you’re single, this message will help you, too! Bottom line: The world’s way of dating is foolish. It robs people of their single years and opens the door to incredible temptation. There is a better way. I’ll teach you this Sunday.
Home Discipleship 101
Learn the basics, the nuts and bolts of how parents can take the lead in the discipleship of their children. Discover our unique strategy for reaching the next generation… What is a family-integrated church?… 2 popular parenting myths today… 4 steps to disciple your kids at home… What is catechism?…. And how to use it with your kids… How to work with the church’s programming to disciple your kids… And so much more!
Help Your Kids Get The Gospel
Discover Church Acadiana’s unique and powerful strategy to reach the next generation… The aprent’s role in that strategy… Why parents are more valuable than our culture believes… 4 words you can use to teach your kids the gospel… The difference between grace and mercy… How to teach your kids what it means to “believe” in Jesus… How to tell if your kids have “caught” the gospel… And much more!
How To Teach Your Child Social Skills
Most parents haven’t taken the time to think through the meaning and definition of social skills, and even worse, they are clueless about how to teach them to their kids. Our primary passions at Church Acadiana are reaching the lost and equipping parents to reach the next generation. Don’t miss this important message that will give you some essential tools for the task of parenting.
Doing Church With Your Kids
At Church Acadiana we exhort and equip parents to disciple their kids in the home, and then enable them to do church with their kids as a shared experience. Discover why we MUST do something different if we are serious about reaching the next generation… What your kids need more than good Christian friends… Why parents are the key to reaching the next generation… 2 powerful benefits of doing church WITH your kids… And much more!