Sermons (Page 23)


Colossians — Week 1. We need examples of the Christian life. It is not enough to know what to believe and how to act; we need real life examples of people being faithful to Jesus. In this first sermon in Colossians, we will take a deep look at the life of Paul and learn from his example.

Stand Firm Against Mormonism

Learn the history of Mormonism… The danger of Mormonism… The Mormon concept of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and Authority, Mankind, and Salvation, and how it differs from orthodox Christianity… Why Mormons are not true Christians… And much more!

Winning the Battle of Parenthood

Join us as we study one of the most special passages in the Bible — the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18. Discover how the armor of God can help Christian parents win the battle of parenthood.