Sermons (Page 43)

Christian Greed

As you read the Bible it becomes clear that God blesses godliness.  Many verses in the Bible promise prosperity to those who pursue godliness.  Unfortunately, many people have taken these verses out of context, leading to some big problems.  Pastor Andy calls it Christian Greed. Discover the meaning of Christian Greed, why it is a problem, how to recognize it in yourself, and how to avoid it.

How to Serve Christ at Work

We’re called to serve Christ 24/7, representing and glorifying Him in all we say and do.  And since we spend so much of our time at work, it’s essential that we learn how to serve Christ at work.

Put Your Neck on the Line For the Gospel

Discover why most Christians never experience what it’s like to be used by God in a powerful way… The three hazards of serving God… What you must do if you want to be used by God… Three ways to dedicate yourself to the propagation of the Gospel… and much more.

Avoiding Evangelistic Discouragement

Every Christian is called to be a witness for Christ.  But evangelism can be discouraging, especially when so many of our attempts fall short.  But we must not give up! Listen to discover the root cause of evangelism discouragement, and the solution.  If you need a shot in the arm to revive your passion for evangelism, don’t miss this message.

How to Handle the Rejection of the Gospel

If you live for Christ, you will be rejected.  And the dangerous thing about rejection is that it can cause us to retreat; to give up; to stop witnessing; to even stop believing the truth.  But we know that’s not what Jesus wants.  Listen to a story in Jesus’ life and learn how to handle the rejection of the Gospel.

How to Treat People In the Church

We live in a very selfish society.  Most people only think of themselves.  But the Bible has called Christians to love their neighbor, and to live in community in the context of the local church.  But for the church to be healthy and function effectively, there’s a certain way we need to treat one another. Listen to the study of 1 Timothy 5 as Pastor Andy unpacks three principles about the way to treat people in the church.

Facing the Impossible

One thing that Christians and non-Christians have in common is adversity.  We all face impossible situations, tasks, challenges, and responsibilities at times.  But the way we respond is different — much different. Listen to discover why God allows Christians to go through impossible situations, and six ways we need to respond so that God can get the most good out of our struggles.

The Tale of Two Paths

Everyone is on one of two paths — the path of life, or the path of death.  If you are on the path of life, then you are headed for life in abundance.  If you are on the path of death, then you are headed for emptiness, regret, and destruction.  Listen to discover which path you are on, and learn how to find the right path.

The Doctrine of Eternal Security

Many people struggle with this question.  Is it possible to put your faith in Jesus and be born again, and then at some later point lose your salvation?  This is called the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints, or Eternal Security, or Once-Saved-Always-Saved.  Some churches teach that you can lose your salvation.  What do we believe at Church Acadiana?  And what does the Bible say?

The Authority of the Bible

Our mission as a church is to help people become fully devoted to Jesus Christ.  That means helping people live under the authority of God — to do what God says to do, and to believe what God says is true. But how do we know what God has said?  From the Bible.  Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, and therefore the Bible is our authority.  When the Bible speaks, God speaks. But why should we believe…

Striving for Religious Freedom

In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”  Many Christians are not aware that religious freedom is under attack in America.   Listen and learn what every Christian must do to protect and preserve religious freedom for future generations of Christ-followers in America.

Beware of Money

Five signs to help you tell if money is blocking you from God’s plan, and some steps to overcome the obstacle of money.  Remember.  God owns it all.  We just have to learn how to be faithful stewards of His resources.