Generosity Encouragement
God wants us to grow in generosity, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Being generous can be challenging for many reasons. Discover 3 reasons God wants us to be generous… An unlikely example of radical generosity… 5 lessons on generosity… One thing to remember when you don’t have much to give… The kind of offering that God values… And much more!
3 Forgotten Realities of Spiritual Growth
Our mission at Church Acadiana is to help you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Why? Because that’s God’s mission. He is working in you, trying to grow you in spiritual maturity. But the process of spiritual growth is not easy. It can be very challenging. This sermon will truly encourage you in your relationship with God.
Listen and Grow Spiritually
When you get saved you start out as a baby Christian, and God’s plan is to grow you up in spiritual maturity. But how much you grow and how fast you grow depends on you. There is something you have to do; a condition you must meet. This is why some Christians grow fast make a big impact for God, and others seem stuck in spiritual adolescence. Discover the key to spiritual growth… 2 reasons people stop growing… The two…
Evolution vs. God
Millions believe that Darwinian evolution is a scientific fact. This amazing video shows the opposite — that it is unscientific — and it does so by interviewing leading evolutionary scientists at some of the world’s top universities. This is a crucial issue because the theory of evolution challenges the Bible’s authority, and it is being taught in government schools all across America.
How to Avoid Backsliding – Part 3
This is the last of a 3 part study on backsliding. So far we’ve learned that we have to be receptive to God’s word, ready for adversity, and this week we’ll learn that we have to be resolved to keep Jesus at the center of our lives. Discover the three most common thorns that cause backsliding… And the solution… The five things you need to do to keep Jesus at the center of your life… And much more!
How to Avoid Backsliding — Part 2
To avoid backsliding we must be ready for adversity. Trouble is unavoidable. But it can either make you better or bitter. Many fall away from God and church because they have an unbiblical view of suffering. Discover 6 things you need to know to be ready for adversity and avoid backsliding.
How to Avoid Backsliding — Part 1 of 3
To backslide is to lapse morally or spiritually; to revert to a worse condition. Over the years we’ve seen many people come to church for a while and then drop out. And what’s really scary is that over 60% of students drop out of church and become spiritually disengaged after high school. How can we avoid this in our lives, and help our kids to avoid it as they grow older?
The Truth About Jesus
The most important thing about you is what you believe. The most important thing you believe is what you believe about God. And your most important beliefs about God are what you believe about Jesus. In this sermon discover 5 important truths to believe about Jesus.
What Should Christians do About Abortion?
Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, 56 million preborn children have been killed by abortion. Christians can no longer be silent and inactive. We must act now. Discover why you need to fight for the preborn and what you can do do help.
The High Priority of the Church
Let’s be honest. We live in an uncommitted culture. Most people aren’t committed to their own health, much less the health of the church. Most people only have one priority — themselves. But followers of Jesus have been called to a different set of values. And one of those values is the church. Discover 5 reasons the church should be a high priority in your life— 4 commands that can only be obeyed if you are involved in church… The…
How to Have a Great Financial Year
The key is Proverbs 3:9-10. Discover what it means to honor God with your finances… 3 questions to help you determine if you worship God or money… 3 kinds of people that God does NOT bless… The difference between generosity and greed… 4 ways to be wise with your money… And much more! Money is not God, but it sure does matter. This sermon will help you grow as a fully developed steward of your resources.
How to Beat The Devil Before he Beats the Jesus out of You
Discover 4 principles to help you live a victorious Christian life… How to abide in Christ… The devil’s strategy against you… How to overcoming a sinful stronghold in your life… How worship helps us serve God… And much more!