Sermons (Page 46)

Selfish or Service: 3 Steps to Start Serving God

The world is facing some pretty big problems today.  With so much pain and suffering it’s natural to ask, “Does God see what’s on on down here?  If so, why doesn’t He do something about it?”  Discover God’s plan for solving the world’s problems, and your part in that plan… 3 myths about serving God… 5 ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 steps to start serving God… And much more!

Do Good Anyway

Doing good is not always easy.  In fact, good deeds often attract bad attention.  Sometimes we will have to face persecution.  In this message we will study a story about Jesus and learn how to stay faithful and do good anyway, even if it means suffering.

The Character of a Healthy Church — Part 1

Christianity is a team sport; we are called to join forces with other disciples and work together for the glory of God.  But what does it take to be a winning team?  Discover the one thing most books and discussions about church growth leave out… The definition of a true church… 4 things we need to be a healthy church… How the men of the church need to behave… How the women need to behave… What is a woman’s role…

4 Facts About Salvation

The Bible says in Acts 16:31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.”  That’s good news, right!  But what does that mean?  If you asked somebody on the street if they are saved they’re likely to respond, “Saved from what?”  That’s a good question.  What does it mean to be saved?  In this sermon learn the past, present and future aspects of salvation… The meaning of theological concepts such as justification, sanctification, glorification, reconciliation, redemption, etc… And…

Edged Out

When it comes to temptation and decision-making, we all look for loopholes.  When tempted, we look for excuses to tell ourselves yes when we should tell ourselves no.  We ask, “Is there anything wrong with this?  Is it illegal?  Will it hurt anyone?”  But it is a bad idea to assume that if something is not wrong, it is right.  Our decision-making filter shouldn’t be based on what’s permissible, but on what’s wise.  In no area is this more important…

Preparing Your Child For Courtship

Please… if you are a parent, or a parent-to-be, or a grandparent, don’t miss this sermon!  And if you’re single, this message will help you, too!  Bottom line:  The world’s way of dating is foolish.  It robs people of their single years and opens the door to incredible temptation.  There is a better way.  I’ll teach you this Sunday.

Steps to Financial Prosperity

Discover why most people struggle financially… Why God wants you to prosper… And why that’s not the same thing as the “Prosperity Gospel”… 6 actions you can take to win with your money… How to create a monthly budget… How to get out of debt… How to prepare for retirement… How to turn financial crises into mere inconveniences… And much more!

Home Discipleship 101

Learn the basics, the nuts and bolts of how parents can take the lead in the discipleship of their children.  Discover our unique strategy for reaching the next generation… What is a family-integrated church?… 2 popular parenting myths today… 4 steps to disciple your kids at home… What is catechism?…. And how to use it with your kids… How to work with the church’s programming to disciple your kids… And so much more!

More Groups, Less Isolation

It’s been said that no man is an island.  That’s true for the Christian life as well.  God has called us to be a part of the church, and He wants us to be a healthy church.  But what does it take to be a healthy church?  Discover the devil’s strategy to take you down… The key to overcoming his schemes… What the first Christians were devoted to… And why we need to have the same devotion… Why Home Groups…

Christian Citizenship

Christians have a dual citizenship.  We are both citizens of heaven and earth.  What does it look like to love Jesus, and at the same time be a patriot — to love your country?….  What role should Christians play in government?….  4 wrong views of Christian involvement in government… The right view (or the best view)… How to pray for government leaders… Why the government exists… The government’s responsibility in creating a prosperous society… The citizen’s responsibility… God’s goal for…

Must Christians Keep the Sabbath?

Are Christians obligated to keep the Sabbath today?….  How do we know which Old Testament laws are binding, and which are not?….  The purpose of the Sabbath… Two things the Sabbath teaches us about God… And two things it teaches us about ourselves… How to make the Sabbath a blessing rather than a burden… And much more!