Sermons by Andy Manning (Page 37)
Does it Matter What You Believe?
There are over 4,000 religions in the world. Does it really matter what you believe, or can you just pick any religion and try your best to be a good person? Discover why it matters what we believe, and what we need to believe to avoid judgment.
You Can’t Outsmart God
Discover why it’s never a good idea to try to outsmart God.
How to Move Mountains
Discover 3 requirements for mountain-moving prayer… 2 things we must believe about God… 3 things we need to remember when we pray… and much more!
Christlike Passion
Understand the story of Jesus cleaning the temple… What Jesus was passionate about… How to have Christlike passion… And much more!
Vote: It’s a Matter of Life and Death
Discover 3 reasons the church needs to talk about politics… 4 reasons Christians must vote… Why this presidential election is so important… Why it makes perfect sense to be a one-issue voter… And more!
How to Teach Your Kids to Obey You
Discover 4 reasons why your kids need to learn to obey you… 10 signs your kids have an obedience problem… The meaning of discipline… And 8 guidelines for disciplining your kids effectively.
What is Our Vision?
Learn about the exciting vision of Church Acadiana, and how you can be a part of it.
What is our Mission?
Discover the mission of the church and how we can work together to get it done!
More Than a Savior
Learn how to worship Christ for all that He is.
What to do With Your Problems
Discover 4 requirements for effective prayer, and 4 skills for effective prayer.
3 Consequences of Rejecting Christ
Discover how the story of Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10 is an illustration of the painful consequences of rejecting the Lordship of Christ.
Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
Listen to discover the mission and purpose of Jesus.