Sermons on Abundant Life (Page 2)

The Tale of Two Paths

Everyone is on one of two paths — the path of life, or the path of death.  If you are on the path of life, then you are headed for life in abundance.  If you are on the path of death, then you are headed for emptiness, regret, and destruction.  Listen to discover which path you are on, and learn how to find the right path.

Beware of Money

Five signs to help you tell if money is blocking you from God’s plan, and some steps to overcome the obstacle of money.  Remember.  God owns it all.  We just have to learn how to be faithful stewards of His resources.

The Right Use of Creation

The question before us is how do we glorify God through the physical pleasures of His creation?  Historically, Christians have made two mistakes:  Creation worship, and creation rejection.  Some seek happiness and fulfillment through creation, and some believe that the only way to please God is to reject any form of physical pleasure.  This sermon studies a Biblical response to both of these errors and discovers a third option that will lead to our joy and God’s glory.

3 Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Spiritual Life

The quality of your life is entirely dependent upon the quality of your relationship with God.  There’s no doubt about it.  But there are 3 common mistakes that Christians make that hurt their walk with Christ, and therefore decrease their quality of life. Discover those three mistakes… Why Jesus isn’t in the insurance business… Why God wants you to grow… Why Jesus doesn’t want to “just be friends”… 6 Ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 prayers you…

The Whole Bible in One Verse

Most people own a Bible, and many people even believe it is inspired by God, yet very few have actually read it.  And if you haven’t read it, then there’s no way you can truly understand who God is and how to worship Him. Discover one verse that sums up the entire Bible… 4 reasons to believe God exists… The meaning of God’s love… 4 facts to help you understand Jesus… What it means to “believe in Jesus”… And much…

Listen and Grow Spiritually

When you get saved you start out as a baby Christian, and God’s plan is to grow you up in spiritual maturity.  But how much you grow and how fast you grow depends on you.  There is something you have to do; a condition you must meet.  This is why some Christians grow fast make a big impact for God, and others seem stuck in spiritual adolescence.  Discover the key to spiritual growth… 2 reasons people stop growing… The two…

The Best Way To Live

We all want to live life to the fullest, but with so many different opinions about how to do that, how do you know which path to take?  Enter Jesus.  Jesus wraps up His most important sermon by saying that His way to live is the best way.  Discover two powerful benefits of following Jesus… The definition of wisdom and where to get it… The difference between wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence… Why you need endurance… How to get it… The…
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