Sermons from 2016 (Page 5)

Helping the Persecuted

It’s hard to believe, but we are living in a time when helping the persecuted isn’t merely about sending our money overseas.  Christians are now facing persecution in our own country.  What should we do when someone in our church faces persecution?  How should we react?  This sermon will provide the insight and inspiration we need to prepare ourselves for what seems like the inevitable.

Body for God

This is not about looking good.  It’s not about feeling good.  It’s not about achieving that “beach body” you’ve always wanted.  This is about loving God with your entire being — including your physical body. There’s no question about it:  Fully-devoted Christ-followers are serious about staying in tip-top physical shape for the glory of God. Discover 3 reasons to maintain a healthy body…  3 ways a healthy body will make you more useful to God… And 4 essentials to get…