The Gospel of Mark (Page 5)

The Tale of Two Paths

Everyone is on one of two paths — the path of life, or the path of death.  If you are on the path of life, then you are headed for life in abundance.  If you are on the path of death, then you are headed for emptiness, regret, and destruction.  Listen to discover which path you are on, and learn how to find the right path.

How to Have Peace in the Storms

Jesus wants you to have peace — the feeling of inner-comfort, even when life is hard and the future is uncertain. But that is easier said than done. Most of us have experienced intense fear, worry, and anxiety when facing storms. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This sermon takes an in-depth look at the story of Jesus calming the storm, and we will discover how to have peace in the storms of life.

3 Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Spiritual Life

The quality of your life is entirely dependent upon the quality of your relationship with God.  There’s no doubt about it.  But there are 3 common mistakes that Christians make that hurt their walk with Christ, and therefore decrease their quality of life. Discover those three mistakes… Why Jesus isn’t in the insurance business… Why God wants you to grow… Why Jesus doesn’t want to “just be friends”… 6 Ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 prayers you…

3 Forgotten Realities of Spiritual Growth

Our mission at Church Acadiana is to help you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because that’s God’s mission.  He is working in you, trying to grow you in spiritual maturity.  But the process of spiritual growth is not easy.  It can be very challenging.  This sermon will truly encourage you in your relationship with God.

Listen and Grow Spiritually

When you get saved you start out as a baby Christian, and God’s plan is to grow you up in spiritual maturity.  But how much you grow and how fast you grow depends on you.  There is something you have to do; a condition you must meet.  This is why some Christians grow fast make a big impact for God, and others seem stuck in spiritual adolescence.  Discover the key to spiritual growth… 2 reasons people stop growing… The two…

How to Avoid Backsliding – Part 3

This is the last of a 3 part study on backsliding.  So far we’ve learned that we have to be receptive to God’s word, ready for adversity, and this week we’ll learn that we have to be resolved to keep Jesus at the center of our lives.  Discover the three most common thorns that cause backsliding… And the solution… The five things you need to do to keep Jesus at the center of your life… And much more!

How to Avoid Backsliding — Part 2

To avoid backsliding we must be ready for adversity.  Trouble is unavoidable.  But it can either make you better or bitter.  Many fall away from God and church because they have an unbiblical view of suffering.  Discover 6 things you need to know to be ready for adversity and avoid backsliding.

How to Avoid Backsliding — Part 1 of 3

To backslide is to lapse morally or spiritually; to revert to a worse condition.  Over the years we’ve seen many people come to church for a while and then drop out.  And what’s really scary is that over 60% of students drop out of church and become spiritually disengaged after high school.  How can we avoid this in our lives, and help our kids to avoid it as they grow older?

When Faith and Family Collide

God wants to be your priority, but He also wants your family to be a priority.  So what happens when these two priorities collide?  What do you do when your family is making it hard for you to follow Christ?  What do you do when your devotion to Christ is interfering with your devotion to family?  Discover why the worst thing you can do for your family is to put them first.

The Unforgivable Sin

Three reasons to listen to this sermon:  First, all of us have sinned.  Second, without God’s forgiveness the punishment for sin is eternal hell.  And third, there is one sin that is unforgivable.  Discover what it is… How to tell if you’ve committed it… And if so, what to do about it.

Overcome the Fear of Man

We all want to be liked, to be cool, to fit in, to please others.  Nobody desires to be criticized and rejected.  Discover why that’s a big problem if you are a Christ-follower… Why the fear of man is so dangerous… What you need to do to overcome it… Why you need to stop trying to impress people… What you need to be willing to do if you want to stand for Christ… And much!

Selfish or Service: 3 Steps to Start Serving God

The world is facing some pretty big problems today.  With so much pain and suffering it’s natural to ask, “Does God see what’s on on down here?  If so, why doesn’t He do something about it?”  Discover God’s plan for solving the world’s problems, and your part in that plan… 3 myths about serving God… 5 ways every Christian is called to serve God… 3 steps to start serving God… And much more!